Looking for a Yoast SEO Alternative? Check Out These 3 WordPress SEO Plugins

Are you trying to find a reliable alternative to Yoast SEO? Read this guide to learn about your options.

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The Top 5 WordPress Firewalls to Protect Your Website

Securing your website should be your top priority, but finding the right software to help isn't easy. Read this guide to learn about the top WordPress firewalls on the market.

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Protecting Your WordPress Site From Hackers: A Simple Guide

Are you doing enough to protect your WordPress website from attackers? Read this post to learn how to make sure your WordPress installation is secure.

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Shared Hosting Email: Why You Shouldn't Trust Email From Hosting Accounts

Shared hosting email isn't all it's cracked up to be. Read this post to learn why you should avoid trusting your email to shared services.

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On-Site SEO for Beginners: How to Optimize Your Site to Rank on Google

Writing a ton of content isn't worth much if you can't rank it on Google. Read our guide for on-site SEO to learn how to get front page rankings.

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