Looking for a Yoast SEO Alternative? Check Out These 3 WordPress SEO Plugins

Yoast SEO has made its name as one of WordPress's most popular SEO plugins. But over time, the software has gone through many changes that users don't like.

For instance, many people consider Yoast SEO bloated software. It has many features that many web admins don't need for SEO optimization. This has made it harder to find the features they want and more challenging to manage their website's SEO.

Yoast SEO has also made many mistakes over the years. A big error in 2018 caused many Yoast users to lose their Google rankings. Yoast changed how images were redirected, and the setting that controlled this change wasn't correctly applied to every WordPress installation.

This has led many people to search for Yoast alternatives.

Luckily, countless SEO plugins are available that offer every SEO feature you need to optimize your website. Below are our four favorite alternatives to Yoast SEO.

1. Rankmath

Rankmath has quickly risen to the number one spot for SEO plugins for many web admins. It offers an easy-to-use interface that lets people of all skill levels optimize their websites for SEO.

On top of that, the free version of the plugin offers almost everything you need to optimize your website. You can do this yourself or use the smart automation features of Rankmath to do it for you.

Let's look at the features you'll get when using Rankmath SEO.

Easy Setup Wizard

Not everyone wants to be an SEO professional. They want something that's easy to use and doesn't require them to learn all the terminology of the SEO world.

One great thing about Rankmath is that it makes it easy for anyone to optimize their website. You can run the setup wizard to get the best SEO settings for your website. You can keep it as simple or as customized as you want.

Simple Import Process

If you already have a website, you probably already have an SEO plugin. It may be Yoast or another system. Whatever the case, Rankmath makes importing your settings easy.

You can easily import your previous SEO settings with a few mouse clicks. Start the import wizard, select your previous SEO plugin, and Rankmath will import everything.

This is a must-have feature if you have a large website and don't want to spend a ton of time copying your SEO fields.

Google Integration

One thing that takes a lot of time is to go back and forth between your different analytics dashboards. You have Webmaster tools for tracking your website's performance on Google and Google Analytics for monitoring your website traffic.

Rankmath can integrate with both of these platforms. You can connect your website to your Analytics and Webmaster tools to get dashboards directly on your website.

Breadcrumb Tool

Breadcrumbs are a great way to make your website more accessible. They offer your visitors a way to browse more of a topic and quickly return to a category. They're also helpful for Google to see an article's category and similar posts.

However, only some themes have breadcrumbs included. If you have one of those themes, you can use the breadcrumb feature in Rankmath to include them in every post.

Redirect Manager

Not all of your website content will be a hit. Some posts will get zero views or need to be updated. That type of content only offers a little value to your visitors. While you can keep that content on your website, some SEO professionals believe pruning underperforming content is the best choice.

However, things get messier if you have links pointing to that page. Visitors will get a 404 error instead of seeing what they expected. Rankmath helps by including a redirect manager to help you redirect visitors from old content to relevant pages.

2. The SEO Framework

The SEO Framework stands above the other Yoast SEO alternatives as one of the most simple options available. Instead of overwhelming the user with countless options and screens, The SEO Framework aims to create a simple system that offers an out-of-the-box experience that requires no input from the web admin.

This SEO plugin analyzes your website for you and determines the best way to optimize each page. It will generate page titles and meta descriptions for you. Of course, you can always go into your page settings to change this if you don't like the results.

The SEO framework also has integration abilities with other WordPress plugins. You can do everything from stop comment spam to add structured data to your web pages.

One thing that helps The SEO framework stand apart from other plugins is the privacy policy. People enjoy this plugin because it collects no data and doesn't connect to third-party servers. This is a must if you're concerned about privacy and don't want data collected on your websites.

3. All in One SEO Pack

The All in One SEO pack is one of the original SEO plugins for WordPress. It was created back in 2007 when WordPress was still an up-and-coming platform.

Over the years, it's cemented itself as one of WordPress's most reliable SEO plugins. There are an estimated three million users of the plugin.

The All in One SEO plugin contains all the typical SEO features you would expect. You can manage your SEO titles, descriptions, and keywords.

The All in One SEO plugin contains all the typical SEO features you expect. You can manage your SEO titles, descriptions, and keywords.
The free version of this plugin also contains more advanced features. You can generate sitemaps, check your on-page SEO score, export SEO data for analysis, and more.

You'll need to pay for the premium version if you want the more advanced features. It costs $49 per year for a basic single-site license.

4. SEOPress

SEOPress is another SEO plugin that's been around for a while. Like the other plugins, SEOPress allows you to manage the standard SEO options you need for your WordPress website.

One thing that sets SEOPress apart from Yoast is that it is white-label and ad-free. You won't need to worry about footprints on your website or advertisements taking up space in your website's backend.

Another benefit of working with SEOPress is the user interface. This plugin is built with beginners in mind. You will only need to spend a little bit of time learning how the plugin works to make the most of it.

SEOPress starts with a free option. You don't need anything more to handle all your website's SEO needs.

But you can upgrade to the pro version for $49 per year. The professional version will allow you to manage custom schema on your website, get insights from Google Search Console and Google Analytics directly on your website, and more.

One thing that sets the professional version of SEOPress apart from the competition is the site license. You can use SEOPress on unlimited websites. Most other options only allow a single website activation.

Don't Stick With Yoast SEO When You Have Other Options

Yoast SEO is a great SEO plugin. It allows you to handle all the common SEO tasks and offers almost every feature you need to manage your website.

However, it is a large program that adds a lot to your website. You can't afford to have bloated software installed when you need to minimize bloat and increase your page performance.

Luckily, there are many SEO alternatives available that offer the features you need to rank on Google. Of all the options out there, we believe Rank Math is the best choice. You can try it for free, so don't wait to install it and see what it offers yourself.

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